Protecting STEAM, Music, Sports, and More!

The Moreland Education Foundation (MEF) raises funds

to support all seven Moreland schools.


MEF Enrichment Grants

Intended to enhance existing curriculum and pilot innovative programs that may be modeled by others in Moreland School District (MSD) to increase student success and community engagement.

Music in Moreland

MEF has been committed to maintaining Music in Moreland for students in grades 4-8 since 2003 when the district had to cut the program due to the state’s budget crisis. MEF’s donations to the district provides funding for 20% of the instrumental music program including the entire elementary program.


Sports in Moreland

For over a decade MEF has raised funds to support the after school sports program at all three middle schools. Today, the program is almost entirely funded by MEF.


Arts Initiatives

Starting in the 2022-23 school year, MEF is providing funding to expand arts programing to all grades.


Zero Period electives

We provide funds for each middle school to offer an elective before the start of the school day. (That's why it's called a Zero Period Class.)