Family Fun in February presents: Get Started with Nature Journaling

February 10, 2:00 PM (45 minutes)

Nature journaling lets you notice the details in the world around us. It is a fun way to combine art and science! In my live session, you will learn how to start nature journaling and try it for yourself!

Ages: Recommended for 2nd grade and older, or any age with an older family member

What to prepare:

  • Blank journal or paper

  • Sharpened Pencil

  • Colored pencils

  • Two leaves found on the ground

Class type: Live instruction

Register Now: 40 Student Limit

Satomi FujikawaI am a third grade teacher at Country Lane School, and I’ve always enjoyed being in nature since I was a kid. I started drawing landscapes, plants, and animals when my family visited National Parks. When I moved to the South Bay and s…

Satomi Fujikawa

I am a third grade teacher at Country Lane School, and I’ve always enjoyed being in nature since I was a kid. I started drawing landscapes, plants, and animals when my family visited National Parks. When I moved to the South Bay and started teaching in San Jose, I began hiking and observing native plants, especially wildflowers and trees. More recently, my new hobby is birding and trying to identify all the birds I see on my walks.